Keith Keffer – Author’s Page
” A book is proof that humans are capable of working magic.”
– Carl Sagan, Cosmos
Keith Keffer is an author, software developer, martial artist and an avid gamer. His earliest writing revolved around writing adventure games, and three decades later that effort led to the completion of his first novel.
Keith loves books, lots of books in lots of different genres. He tends to be an action/adventure type junkie. If it has monsters, swords, magic, explosions, spaceships, ghosts or cowboys he is probably going to enjoy it. He is also a sucker for crude, twisted humor. Keith claims that it’s not his fault. His dad led him to the dark side many years ago. He tries to keep it reigned in, but it’s like the Hulk. Once it is out, it is hard to get it back under control. You can find out more about Keith by visiting his website at or by emailing him at
Keith’s interest include
- Writing and Self Publishing
- Martial Arts
- Table top RPGs
- SciFi and Fantasy Stuff (movies, books, games)
- Software Development (Linux, Open Source)
Link to other Sites
- – Keith’s facebook page. A great place to stay up to date on what’s new.
- Author Page for Amazon – A quick link to all things available through Amazon.
- Goodreads Author Page – Feel free to send a friend request there.
- Twitter – Mostly thoughts about movies or books. Positively no posts on bathroom breaks or what he is eating now.
- Action Karate Whitehall – Keith is the head instructor at Action Karate in Whitehall PA. You can also follow him on the karate school’s Facebook page at
Keith is also active on these sites
Keith is the President of the Greater Lehigh Valley Writers Group (GLVWG).