Links for Writers


Writing Tools

Scrivener – Scrivener is a writing studio that allows you to outline, create notes, and write in a centrally organized package. It can be used to quickly and easily create output in a large range of output formats such as epub, mobi, odt, doc & pdf.  Scrivener comes with a free, one month trial. To continue using it beyond that point, there is a one time license fee (around $40).

Sigil – Sigil is an open source, ePub editor.  This software is incredibly powerful. It allows you to manipulate a document to produce an ePub, but it is not for the faint of heart.  It can be used with the ePub produced by Scrivener to fine tune the final file. For example, Scrivener will place the table of contents at the beginning of the file, but I prefer to move it to the end of the file, which I can do in Sigil.  The current release of Sigil can be downloaded for free at

Places to post a story – Literrater is a story sharing site and review sites. Authors can post stories in a public or private mode. Public stories can be read by anyone. Private stories can be read by invitation only.  When you post a story, others can (and will) comment on the story.  It is sort of like an editorial and critique group rolled into one.  I’ve found the editorial comments to be very helpful, but there seems to be only a small number of regular users. My hope is that this site will continue to grow.  You can view my profile at – Wattpad is a site committed to the sharing of stories.  Readers can leave comments on the stories.  It has a huge following, and advocates claim it is a great site to connect with fans. It reportedly caters to fan faction and a younger audience.  Those who I’ve spoken to about the site all seem to agree that a consistent pattern of updates is critical to success. You can find my profile at Wattpad by clicking on

Miscellaneous Tools

 Write-Track  – Write-Track is a simple, easy to use web site that lets you create writing goals and keep track of them. You can make your goals public or private. Other users can follow you and comment on your public goals.

Google+ – Google+ is the home of a number of great communities for authors.  One of the best is the Writers Discussion Group (WDG) which has over 22 thousand members.

Amazon Stuff

Keyword Lists – When you publish your book on Amazon, you can explicitly select two categories, but you can also specify up to seven additional keywords. By selecting the right set of keywords, you can get your book listed in additional categories.  Amazon’s category help page has links that contain recommended keywords for Romance, Science Fiction & Fantasy, Children’s, Teen & Young Adult, Mystery/Thriller/Suspense, Comics & Graphic Novels, Literature & Fiction, Erotica, Religion & Spirituality, and Business & Money.