Springing Ahead

I’ve been a little quiet on the Shaper of Fire front.  I’m happy to announce that the third book in The Shaper Series is nearing completion.  I finished the preliminary draft of the ending, which I have to admit I’ve been struggling with, and I’m excited to see how much Devin and Tavi have grown in this story.  I’m planning to post some excerpts in April.

Write-Here-Write-Now-200x300And speaking of April. On April 10th the second GLVWG anthology, Write Here, Write Now will be available for general release.  For anyone in the Bethlehem PA area, you’ll be able to get copies on April 9th at The Write Stuff Writers Conference.  Many of the authors that contributed to the collection will be there to sign copies.  This year’s anthology wouldn’t have been possible without the tremendous effort by Christopher D. Ochs.

karate_fav_iconThere is one last thing that I’d like to mention. Earlier in March, I started a new website geared toward the study of the martial arts. It is called The Martial Arts Journey (themartialartsjourney.com). I’ve been a student of Karate for decades, and I’m hoping that through this website I’ll be able to share the experience with others.  At the school I train at we refer to this as adding a link to the chain with the study of karate being a chain that stretches back for generations. This is my opportunity to add my own link to that chain of knowledge.

I had already started something similar with respect to my writing efforts. I’ve receive a great deal of help from others as I try to improve my own skills, and when possible I like to give back to the writing community.  In this case, that became The Independent Writer’s Support Group (tiwsg.com).  The most recent article is about how to get the most out of a writing conference.

April is going to be another busy month. I have big goals and I’m going to need to stay focused to meet them all.




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